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Search by Band Code
First Name | Last Name | Band Code |
Tim | Henry | TCH |
Rian | Alexander | THR |
Tony | League | TL |
Terry | Mclean | TLC |
Terry | Rolfes | TLR |
Kory | Noe | TON |
Chris & Jessica | Pidgeon | TPC |
Gary & Elda | Roberts | TRB |
Vic | Lassalle | VJL |
Velinda | Dewitt | VLD |
Valerie | Wall | VLW |
Whitham | DiBernardo | WD |
Julie | Davis | WF |
Westin | Brock | WLB |
Brock | Westin | WLB |
William | Williams | WOW |
Delores Jean | Davis | WPA |
R. Jolene | Davis | WRA |
Joey & Shelty | Krueger | WSK |
Misty | Lazar | WTX |
Grant | Barker | WV1 |
Phil | Watson | WWA |
Xyrile | Sagpao | XCS |
Sidney | Yoon | YN1 |
Yisel Orozco | Melgoza | YNO |
Yuriana Orozco | Melgoza | YOM |
Rod | Bales | RB |
Richard | Cazares | RC |
Randall | Jarrell | RCJ |
Richard | Valentini | RDV |
Robert | Brice | REB |
Richard | Werner | REW |
Robert | Werthman | RFW |
Ricky | Duncan | RHD |
Rick | Spier | RIX |
Robert | Ferguson | RJF |
Ricardo | Kuan | RK |
Raymond | Gallegos | RLG |
Rachel | Lynch | RLL |
Russ & Natalie | Armitage | RNA |
Richard | Mizell | RR1 |
Rachel | Pohl | RRP |
Robyn | Hutchinson | RRR |
Rudolph | Dunham | RSD |
Robert | Moraru | RSE |
Brandon | Harris | RTA |
Ralph | Cox | RTC |
Pamela | Sysinger | RWA |
Randy | Dickenson | RWD |
Robert | Lippincott | RWL |
B | Shedd | S&T |
Erick | Osorio | SAN |
Shana | Blair | SB1 |
Tanya | Draxler | SBA |
Serena | Krueger | SEK |
Sandra | Wood | SFW |
Silray G. | De La Cadena | SGC |
Sharon | Crider | SJC |
Stan | Jankowski | SJJ |
Shawn | Romano | SJR |
Skylar | Neumann | SKY |
Scott | Chambers | SLC |
Mike/Slav | Shcherbakov | SM |
Sam | Saenz | SNS |
Stephanie | Pierce | SP8 |
Kathleen | Spier | SPI |
Steven | Sarro | SSA |
Steven | Perry | SSP |
Susan S. | Rubin | SSR |
Suzanne | Hodges | SUZ |
Sharon | Duncan | SWD |
Syd | Foust | SYD |
Thomas | Traxler | T&T |
Robert G. | Travnicek | TA476 |
Virgil | Oliphant | TBD |
Tom | Dietrich | TCD |
Maureen | Broderick | MAB |
Manuel | Sanchez | MAS |
Marsha | Conley | MC1 |
Billy W.A. | McLean Sr. | MCL |
Michael | Cannizzaro | MD1 |
Michelle | Collingsworth | MDC |
Mike | Romano | MDR |
Sandy | Bottino | ME1 |
Laurilee | Taylor | MGK |
Michael | Rhodes | MGR |
Manny | Gonsales | MGS |
Mick | McCown | MIK |
Richard | Schmidt | MJO |
Marla | Bartoli | MKB |
Mounzer | Kaaki | MKT |
Melodie | Brown | MLB |
Marsha | Conley | MOC |
Berniece | O'Steen | MOM |
Margie | Doucet | MTD |
Dawn | Munn | MUN |
Nelson | Carpentier | NC |
David | Elrod | NDE |
Nathan J. | Floyd | NJF |
Nancy | Gingrich | NMG |
Michelle | Ohrvall | NS |
George | Hollingsworth | OBA |
Owen | Covello | OBC |
Owen | Moore | OMM |
Arlene | Orson | ORS |
Alana | Bowron | OWL |
Paul | Aurand | PA7 |
Pauline | Domenge | PAD |
Brittney | Panzone | PAN |
Arvind | de Braganca | PAS |
Mellisa | Scott | PBW |
Peter | Demopoulos | PKD |
Shirley | De Fazio | PLS |
Penny | McCrillis | PMC |
S. Jankowski | Dee Cadwell | PPA |
April E. | Morgan-Haas | PSA |
Penny | Seidl | PSP |
Chia | Xiong | PTA |
Quang | Le | QL |
Jim | Neddo | R&M |
Ryan | Breen | RAB |
Wendy & Rafael | Garcia | RAF |
Robert | Jensen | RAJ |
Randy | Thomas | RAN |
Rafhiel | Rodriguez | RAR |
Ray | Zoercher | RAZ |
Jackie | Werner | JAW |
Julie | Black | JB1 |
Christopher J. | Boyle | JCB |
Joshua | Anthony | JDA |
Joseph | Calogero | JDC |
John | DeHaro | JDH |
Debbie & Jim | Lynch | JDL |
Jessica | Pidgeon | JDP |
Joe | Downs | JED |
Julie | Willis | JEW |
Joyce | D'Accardi | JGD |
James | Heale | JH |
Justin | Henderson | JH1 |
Kent | Tally | JH7 |
John | Smith | JHS |
Johnny | Cochran | JJC |
Jackie | Lippe | JJL |
Jim | McGarr | JJM |
James | Owens | JKO |
Linda | Fadigan | JL,PA |
Jose | Mendoza | JLM |
June | Benson | JMB |
James | Cagle | JMC |
John | Ferriera | JMF |
Jenny | Henry | JMF |
Juan | Limon | JML |
John T. | Neff | JN |
Jim | Fleeker | JRF |
Jacqueline | Hagerty | JVH |
Jim | Lynch | JVL |
James | Ward | JW |
Jude Wayne | Caldwell | JWC |
Ken | Caraway | KC |
Kristin | Erbskorn | KLE |
Kaylee | Schwantes | KRS |
Kevin | Miller | KSM |
Landon | Carroca | LAC |
Larry | Garvin | LAG |
Laura | Ragas | LAR |
Beth | Urban | LBU |
Ralph | Lima | LEB |
Lemay | Villalobos | LEE |
Liliana | Ramirez | LGR |
Barbara & Leroy | Abshire | LJA |
Len | Bourgeois | LJB |
Lou | Lynes | LLZ |
Lewis | Roberts | LR |
Lawrence R. | Cinquegrana | LRC |
Jim | Marshall | M14 |
Carroll | Myers | MA1 |
Stephen | Higgins | ESH |
Everardo | Arredondo | EVE |
Frank | Swider | FAS |
Alan | Horton | FFA |
Frank | DeGaetano | FJD |
Frederick | Meyer | FJM |
Ken Foster | Bill Novickas | FN |
Lyle Rodabough & | Duane Francom | FR2 |
Francom & | Rodabaugh | FRZ |
Marleen | Cassarino | FTA |
Mark Gray | Bret Argrave | GAA |
Mark | Gray | GAA |
Gregory | Covello Sr. | GAC |
Geoffrey | Haddad | GAH |
Gregory | Covello Jr. | GC2 |
Mark | Feusse | GEM |
Geoffrey | Kaye | GJK |
Gordon | Davis | GLD |
Greg | Arena | GMA |
Rodney/Mary | Silva | GMB |
Gary | Kenyon | GMK |
Gilberto | Casteneda | GML |
Dennis | Dunsford | GOD |
Susan | Gault | GWH |

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- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeBaberRickB74BabinChadCBBalesRodRBBarkerGrantWV1BarronJoseJABBartoliMarlaMKBBassiouniHishamHBBaughanCynthiaCABBelloCarlos J.CJBBensonJuneJMBBertrandJimJ22BeyerBill73BBird-StieglitzAprilALBBlackJulieJB1BlairShanaSB1BlairBenjaminBB1BlairMichael41BBondRick and Dave SchendelDR7BottinoSandyME1BotwayNatashaBOTBourgeoisLenLJBBowronAlanaOWLBoyleChristopher J.JCBBrawnerDouglas91BBreenRyanRABBriceRobertREBBrockHaleyHMBBrockWestinWLBBroderickMaureenMABBrownMelodieMLBBryanDanielDBBundyAlanAWB
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeCadwellDee and S. JankowskiPPACadwellDoloresDC2CagleJamesJMCCainRobert9CCaldwellJude WayneJWCCalogeroJosephJDCCannizzaroMichaelMD1CarawayKenKCCardonaDannyDOCCarpentierNelsonNCCarrocaJohn88CCarrocaJohn3JCarrocaLandonLACCassarinoMarleenFTACastenedaGilbertoGMLCaveJohn D.48CCazaresRichardRCChambersScottSLCCinquegranaLawrence R.LRCClardyJohn A.JACClydeCharlesCJCCoballeroSebat36CCochranJohnnyJJCCohenHarvey B.HBCColeDeborah S.CDCColeJohnHBHCollierDave and PamDPCCollingsworthMichelleMDCConleyMarshaMC1ConleyMarshaMOCCorreiaJoseph75CCovelloOwenOBCCovelloAldoAFCCovello Jr.GregoryGC2Covello Sr.GregoryGACCoxRalphRTCCraigDickieHWACriderSharonSJCCsaderWilliam19WCurrerCharlieCC3
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeD'AccardiJoyceJGDDavisGordonGLDDavisJulieWFDavisDelores JeanWPADavisR. JoleneWRAde BragancaArvindPASDe FazioShirleyPLSDe La CadenaSilray G.SGCDeaverGene14DDeavilleJohn25DDeGaetanoFrankFJDDeHaroJohnJDHDemopoulosPeterPKDDewittVelindaVLDDiBernardoWhithamWDDickensonRandyRWDDietrichTomTCDDomengePaulinePADDoucetHerbHDDoucetMargieMTDDownsJoeJEDDraxlerBrianBTADraxlerTanyaSBADuncanSharonSWDDuncanRickyRHDDunhamRudolphRSDDunsfordDennisGOD
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeEberstDavid44KElrodDavidNDE, DEErbskornKristinKLEEwerKentEAZ
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeFadiganLindaJL,PAFergusonRobertRJFFerrieraJohnJMFFeusseMarkGEMFisherAndreaAJFFleekerJimJRFFloydDaniel E.DEFFloydEliana M.EMFFloydNathan J.NJFFrancomDuaneDF1FoustSydSYDFrancomDuane and Lyle RodboughFR2FosterKen and Bill NovickasFNFleekerJim and Al HortonJAP
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeGallegosRaymondRLGGarciaCraigBBGGarciaOctavio518GarciaWendy and RafaelRAFGarvinLarryLAGGaultSusanGWHGingrichNancyNMGGonsalesMannyMGSGonzalezJesus R.73JGoverKeith and Paige71GGrayMark and Bret ArgraveGAA
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeHaddadGeoffreyGAHHagertyJacquelineJVHHalbertMarcia52GHarkinsAlannahAKHarrisBrandonRTAHarrisElizabeth & LDELHHarrisonBruceCBHHawkinsBrysonHA2HayesGayvonneAGHHayesJohnny88HHealeJamesJHHectorHectorH2HeltzelRaymond60ZHendersonJustinJH1HenryJennyJMFHenryTimTCHHickenGary5XHigginsStephenESHHodgesSuzanneSUZHofstetter Jr.Robert21HHollingsworthGeorgeOBAHollisDean40HHollowayJakeJ72HortonAlanFFAHortonAlan and Jim FleekerJAPHostetterKevinH78HuffDavidDHHutchinsonRobynRRR
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeIrwinRoyce22IIstreA.J.AJI
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeJankowskiS. and Dee CadwellPPAJankowskiStanSJJJarrellRandallRCJJensenRobertRAJJohnsonErikBFIJohnsonDoyleDCDJoynerAleciaALJJoynerRoger and CarolJAGJoynerAlecAJJ
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeKaakiMounzerMKTKalymniosJohnDIAKayeGeoffreyGJKKeelerJakJAKKenyonGaryGMKKhanAmmarAIKKirklandMilton56KKruegerSerenaSEKKruegerJoey and SheltyWSKKruegerJoeyDVHKuanRicardoRK
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeLakeEthanELLandryFoster14LLanghamCatherineCMLLassalleVicVJLLawrenceCraigCSLLazarMistyWTXLeQuangQLLeagueTonyTLLedererJohn727LeeAlbert88LLimaRalphLEBLimonJuanJMLLincolnLoranBMSLinnemanDougDJLLippeJackieJJLLippincottRobertRWLLopezHenryHL1LovellConnieCVLLovellGreg65LLownsdaleDebbieDLLLumbBill24LLynchDebbie and JimJDLLynchRachelRLLLynchJimJVLLynchDebbieDALLynesLouLLZ
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeMaldonadoAlALMManiaciJoel43MMarshallJimM14MarshallRobert5MMartinJoeJ64McBrideRobert46MMcCownMickMIKMcCrillisPennyPMCMcGarrJimJJMMcLean Jr.Bill35BMcLean Sr.Billy W.A.MCLMcleanTerryTLCMelgozaYuriana OrozcoYOMMelgozaYisel OrozcoYNOMendozaJoseJLMMeyerFrederickFJMMichelAiko Maria30MMillerKevinKSMMillicanRoy7MMittonBill33MMizellRichardRR1MoellerHolgerHWMMooreDerekDMMooreRocky27MMooreOwenOMMMooreLarry1MMoraruRobertRSEMoraruEthanEMBMorgan-HaasApril E.PSAMunnDawnMUNMyersCarrollMA1
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeNeddoJimDJNNeddoJimR&MNeffJohn T.JNNeumannCadeCRNNeumannChristopherCZNNeumannSkylarSKYNineDeannaD9NoeKoryTONNovickasBill and Ken FosterFN
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeO'ConnellDel79QOgunkolaDaphneDAPOhrvallMichelleNSOliphantBarbaraB13OliphantVirgilTBDOliverCharles and KimCKOOlsonGary W.GWOOrsonArleneORSOrtizPablo90QOrtizAlina ChristineACOOsorioErickSANO'SteenBernieceMOMOwensJamesJKO
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodePanzoneBrittneyPANPapeCalvinCPPappantoniouTony77APerryStevenSSPPetersAlan ScottASPPidgeonChristopherCLPPidgeonJessicaJDPPidgeonChris and JessicaTPCPierceDonnaBD7PierceStephanieSP8PlessnerGreer WillowGWPPohlRachelRRPPrejeanCameronCAM
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeRagasLauraLARRamirezLilianaLGRRankinAnn7RRankinMike24RReesBob90RRevelsRobert8BRRhodesMichaelMGRRillTony/Lori9ARileyJoe73RRiveroJorgeINCRobertsLewisLRRobertsGary and EldaTRBRodabaughLyle and Duane FrancomFRZ, FR2RodesEduardoERORodriguezRafhielRARRogersDianeAZKRolfesTerryTLRRomanoChuckCVRRomanoMikeMDRRomanoShawnSJRRothDanDLRRubinSusan S.SSRRussellCherylCHE
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeSacksStuart8SSaenzSamSNSSagpaoXyrileXCSSanchezManuelMASSandveDawnIVYSarroStevenSSASaxionKen10MSchmidtRichardMJOSchwantesKayleeKRSScottMellisaPBWScottMelisa26SSeidlPennyPSPShannonLauraHDBShcherbakovMike and SlavSMSheddBS&TSilvaRodney and MaryGMBSimmonsKristinaCAFSimonsKen and Mary44SSissonDannyDFSSmaldinoLouis4SSmallAlexanderCTBSmithJohnJHSSmithJoseph B.CXSmithDiana L.DLSSpierRickRIXSpierKathleenSPIStallonePaul88SStantonRick2RStieglitzApril BirdALBStrongErinEESStrongJimmyJ55SwiderFrankFASSysingerPamelaRWASchendelDave and Rick BondDR7
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeTallyKentJH7TaylorLaurileeMGKTaylorRobert70TThomasRandyRANThompsonAndrew20TThornberBob and Kathy40TTimmesHenryHJTTraxlerThomasT&TTravisTerry2TTravnicekRobert G.TA, 476
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeUnreinHoward46CUrbanBethLBU
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeValentiniRichardRDVVandermeydenKim10VVargoBobBVVigilConnieCLVVillalobosLemayLEE
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeWallValerieVLWWaltonDuane C.34DWardJamesJWWatermanBarbara1EEWatsonPhilWWAWeldonDewayne1WWelshJohn51WWernerRichardREWWernerJackieJAWWerthmanRobertRFWWestinBrockWLBWestmorelandGlennBWRWilliamsWilliamWOWWillisJulieJEWWilsonBob49WWilsonCameronCJWWolffCharles P.CPWWoodSandraSFW
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeYoonSidneyYNI
- Last NameFirst Name(s)Band CodeZoercherRayRAZ
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